<b>Michelle Kavanaugh-Anastasi</b>
Michelle Kavanaugh-Anastasi

Owner / Founder

Michelle Kavanaugh is the owner/founder of Organize Senior Moves. Her first foray into this industry was in 2005 when she started a companionship service for seniors, offering help with grocery shopping and preparing meals. She soon realized that many of her clients remained unpacked for months after relocating and didn't feel settled in their own homes. With that realization came the launch of Organize Senior Moves in 2008 and a totally different area of business where she and her team of 20+ help clients transition into new homes, many times senior living facilities. With one hug she makes new clients feel like old friends and helps ease all of their fears and worries about the next phase of their lives. When she's not working Michelle truly enjoys being surrounded by family and friends.
